





This functions saves some of the spots data produced by the SpotFinder family tools into an Excel or CSV file. The output data are saved as a matrix in which each row corresponds to a spot and the columns are: (A) frame number, (B) cell number, (C) spot number within this cell or on the frame if SpotFinderF was used, (D) x-coordinate, (E) y-coordinate, (F) l-coordinate, (G) relative l-coordinate, i.e. l divided by cell length, (H) d-coordinate, (I) magnitude/m, (J) h, (K) w, (L) b. The Excell (but not CSV) file also gets a header with the names of the columns. The CSV file will contain NaN for the missing values, such as the cell number for SpotFinderF or h, w, and b for older versions of SpotFinderZ.

  • <cellList> - input cell/spot array (e.g. cellList or spotList) produced by SpotFinder family tools. An input dialog will appear if the value is not provided.

  • <filename> - name of the output file (must be .xls or .csv). An input dialog will appear if the value is not provided.

  • <field> - name of spots field (default: 'spots').